Friendship SMS

Sometime in friendship, there are lots of leg pulling. Friends tease each others and spread more love. So you can tease your friends through friendship sms.

"Good friends are like a computer,
enter in your life,
save you in their heart,
format your problems,
shift your problems,
and never delete you from their memory."

"Teacher: why are you late?
Student: My dad told me to take our cow to bull.
Teacher: can't your dad do it?
Student: No, only bull can do it."

"Friendship is about bring out the positive when everything is negative,
being accepted for who you are,
being able to pick up right where you left off,
sharing talking and laughing,
friendship is about us and for that i am grateful to you for being my fiend."

"Bite the neck gently,
Chew the breast softly,
Spread the legs slowly,
Suck the juice excitingly,
That is the best way to Eat...
    Roasted Chicken..!!! "

" Three kinds of people don't sleep at night,
Devils : to make scare  human being,
Mosquito: to tease human being,
Couples: to make human being."